Sunday, July 1, 2018

Toronto Film Production Update - July 2018

Here is the Toronto Film Production Update for July 2018 including "Sunny Jim", "The Boys", "The Expanse" and a whole lot more: 

"Killjoys: The Warrior Princess Bride"

From TorontoCatWoman.Com, Sneak Peek footage, plus images from "Killjoys" Season 4 debuting July 30, 2018 on "Space":

Happy Canada Day 2018

Celebrate the 151st anniversary of Canada, with a collection of vintage 'Canadiana' including 'Mounties', superheroes and a whole lot more:


“The Umbrella Academy” - The Final Season

Live-action TV series "The Umbrella Academy", based on the Dark Horse Comics title, streams final Season 4 August 8, 2024 on Netfl...