"Suicide Squad" - 'The Good, The Bad And The Ugly'

From the movie review site TheGoodTheBadAndTheUgly.Ca, take a look @ the good, the bad and the ugly in director David Ayer's Toronto-lensed "Suicide Squad", starring Will Smith, Margot Robbie and Jared Leto :


"Dazzled by all the hype leading up to this super-villain 'Dirty Dozen' update, things get off to a good start, when dead-eyed Loretta Lynch look-alike  'Amanda Waller' (Viola Davis), intros a gaggle of incarcerated scary monsters and super creeps, for a top secret mission, in writer/director David Ayer's energetic take on John Ostrander's DC Comics' series 'Suicide Squad'.

"Showcased early on, dependable Will Smith, stays the course as a buff, street-smart father, who only plays dumb when he lies to his young daughter...

"...about his lucrative moonlighting career as the high-tech costumed, killer-for-hire 'Deadshot'.

"'Joker' (Jared Leto), with his Richard Kiel choppers, is a wormy-mix of Jack Nicholson, Heath Ledger and Jim Carrey (?!)...

"...launching an evil agenda with typical sadistic glee and gallows' humor...

...maniacally tearing down city streets in his souped-up 'Jokermobile', with a raving 'Harley Quinn' (Margot Robbie) by his side.

"Until 'Batman' (a welcome surprise) leaps onto the roof and digs in for the ride.

"Then there is Cara Delevingne as innocent 'June Moon' who gave me the chills ...

"...when she fell into the clutches of the skanky 'Enchantress'...

"...evolving into a buxom and seductive sorceress.

"And there can be no doubt, the camera loves brain-damaged 'Harley'.

"...who can do no wrong...

"...even while smearing red lipstick across her million dollar killer smile. 

"But nothing says more about the subversive reach of this film than the delirious mad love between 'Joker' and impressionable 'Harley'...

"...as they both dive into, then mix it up in a hot mess of swirling, toxic stew.


"Yes, it's good to be bad, when the degenerate 'Joker', with teeth-gnashing 'Harley' at his side...

"...crashes his sportscar into the water, courtesy the 'Batman'.

"Only to be joined by the upcoming Mattel action figures (heh): 'Diving Batman', 'Swimming Batman' and 'Mouth-To-Mouth Resuscitation Batman'.

"Unexpectedly, the Bat gets a furry tongue down his throat from the whorish Harley, before he knocks her out with a politically incorrect, but entirely appropriate 'Bat-Punch'. 

"I also got off on radiant, baby-faced 'June Moon' (Delevingne), when she 'connects' with the earnest 'Rick Flag' (Joel Kinnamen)...

"...before reluctantly summoning the evil power of the 'Enchantress'...

"...who morphs June into a wildly gyrating, pelvic-thrusting, other-worldly entity.

"Gore-hounds will be somewhat disappointed (poor you), as there are no squishy, bloody "Deadpool" death moments here...

"Only evil winds after hundreds of stoned-out humanoids, and a head monster are eventually pulverized into rock dust.

"But I was taken by the energy of 'Katana' (Karen Fukuhara) and her soul-capturing magic sword ...

"...throwing her weight around this film, like one of  'O-Ren Ishii's 'Crazy 88's.

"And yes Michael, the camera DOES love Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn...

"...if you can stand a mentally-ill, self-abusing chick in torn tights 'n camel-toe...

"...with a slutty 'Barbie' doll face and horrible bad breath, from constantly pleasuring her slimy 'Joker'. 

"As for my own discriminating tastes in women (ahem)...

"Hot tramp I love you so !!!..."


"Will Smith as a professional killer, evolves from the 'Fresh Prince' to a 'Fresh Moron', shooting a gangster from the get-go, his victim's breakfast bagel rolling into the gutter as blood spreads along the sidewalk. (echh).

"But I must agree with Michael, that Cara Delevingne's performance as 'June Moon/Enchantress' is chill-inducing. It was also fever-inducing, especially when she was spazzing-out a
nd I had to hold back a really large Coke, forcing myself to watch 'Amanda Waller' (Davis) ruthlessly gun down her own FBI staff in a moment of sickening display. 

"Disappointing also was hammy acting from pivotal characters who believe an Oscar performance is whipping their glasses on and off, with Ben Affleck, reprising his role as thoughtful 'Bruce Wayne', the worst of all, woodenly blowing his only scene and few lines in the film.

"And even though Margot Robbie's idiotic 'Harley Quinn', looks both sexy and dangerous...

"...what exactly is so crazy cool about a psychotic 'Laverne DeFazio', hefting a baseball bat and packing a pistol ? 

"And other than Harley committing a smash 'n grab though a department store window...

"...then justifying her actions with a lame, subversive comment, there is no real social commentary here...

"...except for the hordes of impressionable 'Monster High' teenie boppers attending 'Suicide Squad' screenings...

"...looking for the latest chick to emulate... 

"But the biggest problem I have with this film...

"...other than another twitchy interpretation of the serial killer 'Joker'...

"...is that the real 'Big Bad' antagonist is never fully developed from the get-go...

"...failing to pump up our protagonist anti-heroes, and the audience, for the big fight to come.

"But I am looking forward to a great 'Suicide Squad' movie sequel, because like the unlikely-hero misfits in this ambitious film, it's never too late to be...what you might have been..."

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