Saturday, May 8, 2010

14th Annual Pulps Show & Sale- May 8

We picked up some great old pulp magazines at the 14th Annual Pulps Show & Sale, May 8 @ the Lillian H. Smith branch of the Toronto Public Library, 239 College Street in Toronto.

Just a wee put off that some dealers continue to slip new 'facsimile' printings of scare pulps, in with the rat-chewed, faded original magazines, without informing buyers. Also noticed there was no original pulp cover art for sale.

We still have 10 pieces of original cover art paintings, circa 1948 for sale, including "Women In Crime", featuring 'The She-Vulture'.

Here's hoping that this annual Pulp event will connect with Wizard World for their next comic book/pop art convention in Toronto...


“The Umbrella Academy” - The Final Season

Live-action TV series "The Umbrella Academy", based on the Dark Horse Comics title, streams final Season 4 August 8, 2024 on Netfl...