Thursday, November 18, 2010

"aluCine" Toronto Latin Film & Media Arts Festival- November 18-21

The 11th annual "aluCine Toronto Latin Film & Media Arts Festival", runs November 18-21, 2010, in Toronto, organized by Southern Currents/Corrientes del Sur.

The Toronto-based, non-profit organization is dedicated to the development and presentation of contemporary media art by local artists of Latin American heritage, the presentation of international Latino works in Canada and the presentation of Canadian works in Latin America and elsewhere.

The opening Film Gala, Thursday November 18 will take place @ Innis Town Hall at 2 Sussex Ave. The following three nights, Friday to Sunday, November 19-21, will be located at The Polish Combatant's Association at 206 Beverly Ave.

Engaging artist talks with visiting filmmakers and curators will follow most screenings, with tickets available one hour in advance for each scheduled screening at the current venues.

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“The Umbrella Academy” - The Final Season

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