Saturday, July 7, 2012

Robots Attack The "Pacific Rim"

Sneak Peek new images from the upcoming live-action sci fi feature "Pacific Rim". 
The PG-rated, 'mecha monster' movie is directed by Guillermo del Toro.
Del Toro said "Pacific Rim" involves giant alien monsters traveling through a vortex to attack major cities.
Actor Charlie Hunnam ("Sons Of Anarachy") plays 'Raleigh Antrobus', who navigates a high-tech robot machine called a 'Jaeger' against the aliens. Also starring are Idris Elba ("Thor") and Willem Dafoe ("Platoon").
"...hostile ET's from the parallel world 'The Anteverse', try to destroy humanity by attacking cities and nations neighboring the Pacific Ocean. But the creatures are thwarted in their attempts by Earth-made, high-tech, weapons-ready robots..."
Legendary Pictures purchased the screenplay for "Pacific Rim" (aka "Still Seas") from screenwriter Travis Beacham ("Clash Of The Titans").
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Pacific Rim"...


“The Umbrella Academy” - The Final Season

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