Wednesday, December 3, 2014

"Toronto ComiCon" - Holiday Show - December 14, 2014

FAN EXPO Canada will be holding a 'fandom fix' @ their "Toronto ComiCon" special one-day holiday show, with local exhibitors including artists, dealers, and retailers:

"'s the perfect place to holiday shop for those 'hard to buy for' people on your nerdy or nice list – or just treat yourself! It’s just enough comics, sci-fi, horror, anime and gaming to tie you over until the big 'Toronto ComiCon' March 2015 show..."

Special comic book guests include Francis Manapul ("Detective Comics"), Ken Lashley ("Superman: Doomed"), Mike McKone ("Justice League United"), Leonard Kirk ("Fantastic Four")...

...Dave Ross ("Iron Man") and a whole lot more.

Metro Toronto Convention Centre - South Building Hall F
Toronto, Ontario, Canada 

Sunday, December 14, 2014 11 am – 5 pm

Tickets available @ the door


“The Umbrella Academy” - The Final Season

Live-action TV series "The Umbrella Academy", based on the Dark Horse Comics title, streams final Season 4 August 8, 2024 on Netfl...