Sunday, July 1, 2018

Happy Canada Day 2018

Celebrate the 151st anniversary of Canada, with a collection of vintage 'Canadiana' including 'Mounties', superheroes and a whole lot more:

'Canada Day' is the national day of Canada, a federal statutory holiday celebrating the anniversary of the July 1, 1867 enactment of the 'British North America Act'...

...uniting the colonies of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and the United Province of Canada into a single country called Canada within the British Empire.

Originally called 'Dominion Day' the holiday was renamed in 1982, the year the 'Canada Act' was enacted, resulting in the patriation of the 'Constitution of Canada'.

Click the images to enlarge...


“The Umbrella Academy” - The Final Season

Live-action TV series "The Umbrella Academy", based on the Dark Horse Comics title, streams final Season 4 August 8, 2024 on Netfl...