Toronto Prep's Universal's "Scott Pilgrim"...

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The Universal film adaptation of graphic novel series "Scott Pilgrim" is currently prepping in Toronto for an early March to August shoot.

Premise of the series, created by Bryan Lee O'Malley, first published by Portland, Oregon indie Oni Press in 2004, follows the romantic adventures of Canadian 'Scott Pilgrim', described as a slacker, hero and wannabe-rockstar, who lives in Toronto, playing bass for the band "Sex Bob-Omb." He falls in love with American 'Ramona V. Flowers', but must first defeat her seven "evil exes" in order to date her.

Universal optioned the property in 2005 and has now attached Edgar "Shaun Of The Dead" Wright to direct, from a screenplay by Michael Bacall, starring Canadian actor Michael "Juno" Cera and Mary Elizabeth "Grindhouse" Winstead.

The film will be titled "Scott Pilgrim Vs The World", produced by Eric Gitter, Nira Park, Marc E. Platt and Wright...