Molly Parker In "Oliver Sherman"...
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Canadian actress Molly "Deadwood" Parker and actor Garret "The Road" Dillahunt will star in the Canadian indie feature "Oliver Sherman" from producers, Film Works.
Parker and Dillahunt worked together on HBO's "Deadwood" and on the feature adaptation of Cormac McCarthy's "The Road," due for release November 25.
Premise of "Oliver Sherman," follows a 'disconnected' war vet who searches for the soldier who saved his life in combat, now living quietly in a rural town with his wife and two children.
The film will shoot in northern Ontario from writer/director Ryan Redford.
Canadian distribution has been guaranteed by Mongrel Media...
Parker and Dillahunt worked together on HBO's "Deadwood" and on the feature adaptation of Cormac McCarthy's "The Road," due for release November 25.
Premise of "Oliver Sherman," follows a 'disconnected' war vet who searches for the soldier who saved his life in combat, now living quietly in a rural town with his wife and two children.
The film will shoot in northern Ontario from writer/director Ryan Redford.
Canadian distribution has been guaranteed by Mongrel Media...