Image Picks Up Glazer's "Passion Play"

As TIFF 2010 wrapped up in Toronto, (excluding many of our Jewish film-making friends, by scheduling Gala screenings and parties during the solemn 'High Holidays' of 'Rosh Hashanah' and 'Yom Kippur'), Image Entertainment managed to finalize their US distribution acquisition of the dramatic thriller "Passion Play", director Mitch Glazer's debut feature, starring Mickey Rourke ("The Wrestler", Megan Fox ("Transformers"), Bill Murray ("Ghostbusters") and Bud Cort ("Harold And Maude").

Set in 1950's Los Angeles, "Passion Play" follows jazz trumpeter 'Nate' (Rourke), who is targeted by underworld boss 'Happy Shannon' (Murray). Rourke manages to elude Shannon, finding solace in the company of 'Lily' (Fox), a circus, side-show 'freak' with wings, that is the main attraction at a Mexican carnival.

"...When a jazz trumpeter is taken to the desert, with a gun held to his head, we are at the beginning of a fable about romance and dreams. When he meets a beautiful woman who works as the 'Bird Woman' in a circus, he falls madly in love and persuades her to run away with him only to find that life is a little more complicated than simply living one’s fantasies..."

"Passion Play" is produced by Daniel Dubiecki, Megan Ellison, Jonah Hirsch and Rebecca Wang.

Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Passion Play"...