Friday, September 30, 2022

"Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities"

"Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities", aka "Guillermo del Toro Presents 10 After Midnight", is the new Toronto-lensed horror anthology TV series, created and hosted by Oscar winning director Guillermo del Toro, streaming October 25, 2022 on Netflix:

"...based on a Del Toro short story of the same name, the series features eight unique horror stories that challenge the classical horror genre. 

"Two of the episodes are original works by del Toro, while  others are written and directed by various filmmakers, in a collection of the Oscar-winning filmmaker's personally curated stories...

"... described as both equally sophisticated and horrific, with Del Toro introducing each episode...."

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“The Umbrella Academy” - The Final Season

Live-action TV series "The Umbrella Academy", based on the Dark Horse Comics title, streams final Season 4 August 8, 2024 on Netfl...